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Probably the most important thing for Howard is his three dogs (Coco, Evie and Charlie - left to right above).

Coco is a 10 year old Labrador/Husky born in Southmead, Bristol.

Charlie is a 7 year old Collie/Terrier and Evie is a 19 month old German Shepherd Dog. They both came from Ainmhithe Animal Rescue,

All the dogs do obedience training with Bristol Dog Training Society - Coco and Charlie both hold Gold Kennel Club Good Citizen awards.

Coco and Charlie both also train with Celestine Dog Agility where they love doing their jumps, tunnels, seesaw, dog walk etc. If you've never seen dog agility we highly recommend it - and remember, before running the course the dog has never seen the course before - it's all about the relationship between dog and handler.

In June 2022 Charlie was diagnosed with cancer in his lungs and given a prognosis of 3 months. Due to the incredible care and support of Zetland Veterinary Hospital, he is still going strong over 12 months later!

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